Fantastic Sams Support Ticket - Mansfield, Texas

Bad Color Job - Color treatment

Created By: kproudhorse's Picture kproudhorse Last Reply: kproudhorse's Picture kproudhorse
Priority Level: [High] Status: [Open]
Created: 9 years ago Last Updated: 9 years ago
Department: Guest Service Replies: 0
Product: Color treatment

I could say bad, but it was like NO COLOR. Stacey, the stylest, at 1301 E Debbie Lane, Mansfield, TX colored my hair, or I should say, did not color my hair. It was amazing, she applied the color to lift the roots to match the previously treated hair. But when she washed it out, it was like she had not colored the roots AT ALL. The rest of the hair lightened just a little so it was a nice color, but the roots did not. Dried it and asked what I thought and I said, well, it looks like you didn't even color it. So then she said she would do another treatment that would not take too long. I agreed and she said, "oh, you want to do it now?" All the while she was asking another stylist her opinion about what to do. So she applied a "toner" she said, to lighten the roots to match the color. When she washed that out, some of the roots were lighter, but most of them still show as though I had not had my hair colored at all. She said, "well, next time we'll do an all over color and it will look great." She also colored and did a deep conditioning on my hair and the bill ended up at $151. I was amazed at the cost and told her so. So she removed the charge for the blow dry. I am not happy at all with the color job she did and that she thought it was okay to send me home that way and charge so much. I could have paid $7.99 for a box color and ended up with an equal end result. The cut is pretty good. But I feel duped. First she told me she was experienced in color, but apparently was not if after two attempts she could not color the roots. I paid $150 for NOTHING. I'm not happy at all.


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